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Thursday 14 February 2013


This french/spanish dish is surprisingly easy! Very hearty and full of protein.

beans, soaked overnight, in cold water [black beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, a mix, etc]
meat [sausage and/or bacon, duck and lamb work too]
onions and celery, diced
tomato paste
garlic paste
chicken stock
tomato diced
red pepper diced
green pepper diced

1. diced everything. 
2. preheat oven to 400 F.
3. in a deep saucepan, fry bacon and meat. render the fat. put meat aside, keep fat in pan.
4. fry onions and celery in fat, add garlic, a bit of oil if needed.
5. add beans, tomato paste, cayenne, pepper [NO SALT] and keep frying.
6. add chicken stock, just slightly covering, bring to a boil. 
7. add in some thyme stems, bacon rind and a bay leaf [you will remove this before serving] and put in oven for an hour.
8. after an hour, return to stovetop and simmer. check if beans are cooked through. right before serving, add tomato, peppers. remove bay leaf, rind, and thyme stems, and salt to taste
9. serve!

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